Jorge Galindo

Experienced Therapist


Galindo and Associates, Inc., is a clinical and forensic therapy practice managed by Jorge Galindo and his wife. Jorge Galindo is a licensed Marriage and Family Therapist (MFT) in Irvine, California. His wife, Dr. Miriam Galindo, is a social worker and psychologist with over two decades of experience.

Adolescent therapy is Jorge Galindo's specialty. He has worked with teen sex offenders, as well as abuse victims, at Olive Crest Residential Center, a not-for-profit organization in Santa Ana. Many of the patients at Olive Crest are referred to the Center by the Department of Children and Family Services and stay for a year or more while they receive therapeutic treatment. During his tenure there, Jorge Galindo directed and managed multiple cases at a time. Bipolar spectrum disorder is another area in which he has significant counseling experience. He spent a year interning at St. Joseph Hospital of Orange, treating patients with bipolar diagnoses. This mental disorder is characterized by cycles of mania and depression. It can also involve substance abuse, eating disorders, impulsivity, conduct disorders, and other concurrent personality disorders.

Mr. Galindo has several certificates and licenses in the state of California. He often works on domestic violence cases involving high-stress situations. Additionally, he holds responsibilities as a Reserve Deputy Sheriff, through which he works closely with local law enforcement. In order to earn this post, he underwent extensive background investigations, psychological evaluations, and multiple examinations. Jorge Galindo has years of experience working with the Drug Enforcement Administration, U.S. Border Patrol, and the Health and Human Services Group.

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Jorge Galindo